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importx (GitHub Repo)

importx (GitHub Repo)

importx is a unified tool for importing TypeScript modules at runtime. It makes it easy to switch between different loaders. The library aims to swallow the complexity of the underlying implementations so developers can focus on the feature sets they need.
Making a good bet: building products with incomplete information (7 minute read)
May 21 | Product

Making a good bet: building products with incomplete information (7 minute read)

There's no clear divide between "good ideas" and "bad ideas" - it's all about the probability of success. To make responsible progress despite incomplete information, follow these tips: use the sniff test to validate ideas, identify key assumptions, seek signals from existing data, build the smallest viable product, and avoid the sunk cost fallacy.
$16k G1 humanoid rises up to smash nuts, twist, and twirl (4 minute read)
May 20 | AI

$16k G1 humanoid rises up to smash nuts, twist, and twirl (4 minute read)

Unitree has released the first few details on its G1 Humanoid Agent, a $16,000 robotic helper. The robot is equipped with 3D LiDAR sensors, a depth camera, three-fingered grippers, and a 9,000-mAh battery pack. It can recover from brutal kicks and punches, as seen in the short demo video in the article. At around 35 kg, the robot can fold itself down to 690x450x300-mm proportions for compact carry.
Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests (9 minute read)
May 20 | Webdev

Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests (9 minute read)

A testing strategy that relies heavily on end-to-end tests can cause a lot of issues in reality. While end-to-end tests seem like a good idea in theory, they often lead to delays in bug identification and fixes, as well as flaky test results. Instead, a better approach is to focus on unit tests and integration tests, which are often faster and more reliable.

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