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Read the wild email Tesla is sending to suppliers amid Supercharger chaos (8 minute read)

Read the wild email Tesla is sending to suppliers amid Supercharger chaos (8 minute read)

Tesla sent out an email to suppliers showing how chaotic the decision-making leading up to the company firing its entire Supercharging team was. The email shows there was a lack of structure and consideration in the decision to fire the team. It mentions that suppliers are expected to be paid, suggesting that Tesla is behind on its payment obligations. The email asks suppliers to continue construction on active projects but to hold on breaking ground or doing pre-construction site walks. A copy of the email is available in the article.
Google layoffs continue as cuts hit Flutter, Dart, and Python teams (8 minute read)
May 03 | Webdev

Google layoffs continue as cuts hit Flutter, Dart, and Python teams (8 minute read)

Google's new round of layoffs affects teams working on Flutter, Dart, and Python. Flutter's co-founder recently left Google, which makes the future of Flutter and Dart more uncertain. The entire US-based Python team has been disbanded, with work potentially shifting to Munich in a cost-cutting move.
Tim Cook to 'hint' at Apple AI features during iPad launch (1 minute read)
May 03 | AI

Tim Cook to 'hint' at Apple AI features during iPad launch (1 minute read)

Apple CEO Tim Cook is anticipated to tease new AI features during the "Let Loose" event next week, with further details expected at the WWDC in June. The new iPad Pro models may receive the M4 chip, hinting at potential advanced AI capabilities in Apple's upcoming products.
How Perplexity builds product (8 minute read)
May 03 | Product

How Perplexity builds product (8 minute read)

Perplexity has amassed a large user base and substantial revenue by leveraging AI extensively in its product development processes. With a focus on AI-first approaches, small teams, and decentralized decision-making, Perplexity optimizes for minimizing coordination costs and encourages bottom-up idea generation, leading to agile and innovative product development.

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