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The world is not conspiring against you (4 minute read)

The world is not conspiring against you (4 minute read)

A list of 10 thoughts on careers that covers a range of ideas, mindsets, and predictions.
Google layoffs continue as cuts hit Flutter, Dart, and Python teams (8 minute read)
May 03 | Webdev

Google layoffs continue as cuts hit Flutter, Dart, and Python teams (8 minute read)

Google's new round of layoffs affects teams working on Flutter, Dart, and Python. Flutter's co-founder recently left Google, which makes the future of Flutter and Dart more uncertain. The entire US-based Python team has been disbanded, with work potentially shifting to Munich in a cost-cutting move.
Real-Time Interactive Image Creation (GitHub Repo)
May 03 | AI

Real-Time Interactive Image Creation (GitHub Repo)

StreamMultiDiffusion is a framework that enables real-time region-based text-to-image generation.
How Perplexity builds product (8 minute read)
May 03 | Product

How Perplexity builds product (8 minute read)

Perplexity has amassed a large user base and substantial revenue by leveraging AI extensively in its product development processes. With a focus on AI-first approaches, small teams, and decentralized decision-making, Perplexity optimizes for minimizing coordination costs and encourages bottom-up idea generation, leading to agile and innovative product development.

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