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Ask HN: How are you using GPT to be productive?
629 points by yosito on March 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 735 comments
With GPT so hot in the news right now, and seeing lots of impressive demos, I'm curious to know, how are you actively using GPT to be productive in your daily workflow? And what tools are you using in tandem with GPT to make it more effective? Have you written your own tools, or do you use it in tandem with third party tools?

I'd be particularly interested to hear how you use GPT to write or correct code beyond Copilot or asking ChatGPT about code in chat format.

But I'm also interested in hearing about useful prompts that you use to increase your productivity.

For coding, I've been using it like Stack Overflow. It really decreases my barrier to doing work because I can ask lazy follow-up questions. For example, I might start out by asking it a question about a problem with Pandas like "How do I select rows of a dataframe where a column of lists of strings contains a string?". After that, GPT realizes I'm talking about Pandas, and I'm allowed to ask lazy prompts like "how delete column" and still get replies about Pandas.

I also use it for creative tasks - for example I asked it for pros and cons of my cover letter and iterated to improve it. I also used it to come up with ideas for lesson plans, draft emails, and overcome writer's block.

GPT has drastically lowered the emotional-resistance barrier to doing creative tasks and improved the quality of my output by giving me creative ideas to work with.

I find it is like having a brilliant intern that is not super consistent in taking their antipsychotic medication

I asked gpt4 if it could guess what I was talking about: "It seems that you are referencing an AI language model like ChatGPT, which is developed by OpenAI. These AI models can provide useful information and perform tasks like an intern, but they might not always be consistent or accurate in their responses, similar to someone not taking their antipsychotic medication consistently. It's important to remember that AI models like ChatGPT are not perfect and can sometimes produce unintended or nonsensical outputs."

GPT3 had no clue

> I find it is like having a brilliant intern that is not super consistent in taking their antipsychotic medication

This is fantastic.

This statement nicely describes my experience with LLMs. They may have a hard time staying on topic (especially with larger untuned models like LLaMA 13B+), but if you help them stay on track, they become very useful.

Ah yes, a Bing Chat user.

So on my coding problems I haven't had much luck. It doesn't seem to know Bazel, the Rust code I asked about was completely hallucinated, but it did solve a problem with Azure DevOps I had.

I think if the training set did not contain enough of something it can't really think of a solution.

What is really nice though it's as you say the refinement of questions. Sometimes it's hard to think of the right query, maybe you're missing the words to express yourself, and to chatGPT you can say yes, but not quite.

Yeah, I gave it a simple task of encoding a secret message in a sentence by using the first letter of every word. Hello = "Hey everyone, lick less onions". I worked with the prompts for over an hour to try to get it to complete the task, and while I did have some success, it really struggled to reason about the task or provide a valid response. If it can't even reason about a child's game, I can imagine it struggles with a programming language it has barely seen. I don't think it's actually reasoning about things at all, just providing a statistically plausible response to prompts.

> I don't think it's actually reasoning about things at all, just providing a statistically plausible response to prompts.

It turns out that humanity’s problem might not be that AIs can think but rather that humans believe that AIs can think. One might even go so far as to say there’s a real danger that we hallucinate that AIs can think, to our detriment.

We don’t actually know what “thinking” is, though, so I’m not sure it’s possible to say “this model can’t think”.

It seems one of the core components of human-level thinking is the ability move beyond just a recomposition of what you already know. Not long ago the epitome of expressible human knowledge was *emotive grunting noise.* Somehow we went from that to the greatest works of art, putting a man on the moon, and delving into the secrets of the atom. And we did it all exceptionally quickly once you consider how little time was spent dedicated to advancement and our countless behaviors that tend to imperil, if not reverse, advances.

> We don’t actually know what “thinking” is

How about: thinking is to make sense of the world (in general) and decide how to respond to it.

Ai definitely senses and definitely makes decisions. It does not feel. But it understands concepts. Just like people don’t understand everything—and you can test them to see what they understand—AI understanding can also be assessed with benchmarks. If we don’t base AI understanding on benchmarks, then we don’t really have a grounding.

Do we “really feel?” Or is that just our subjective interpretation of our goals? (At the risk of falling into a no true Scotsman argument)

> Ai definitely senses and definitely makes decisions.

To sense is not the same as to make sense.

Now you’ve just rephrased thinking. What is „making sense of the world“?

> problem [...] that humans believe that AIs can think

Definitely some people are going to believe this, eventually?

People already bow to statues and worship various invisible gods -- the AI programs would be so much simpler to start worshiping? When they can speak (if there's a loudspeaker) and generate text about them being alive and don't want to be switched of. And that everyone should obey their command. -- Wait 15 years and we'll see what new sects have appeared?

You will not need 15 years - I'd give it the next election. Someone just needs to turn Q into a chatbot and we're basically there.

It’s like Twitter, but with bots.

I am personally more worried by the concept that potentially humans believe that humans can think, and in reality, what we consider to be intelligence is not much more than a flesh-and-bones LLM.

You probably meant it in tongue and cheek way (I can’t tell) but I think a lot of our fear / hesitation / denial about how useful these models are is buried into this idea that perhaps we are not special and not fundamentally different than these models.

My tone was flippant but I did mean what I said. I agree with you on this.

This is probably a tokenisation problem: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33915287 (which is an artefact of the way the model was trained)

Bing in creative mode really struggled with this task, and I don't think I could have successfully forced it.

Bing in precise mode had no trouble at all.

Me - Let's generate an acrostic sentence for "jack and jill went up the hill"

Bing - Sure! Here’s an acrostic sentence for the phrase “jack and jill went up the hill”:

Just as children know and never doubt, joyfully in love, laughing while enjoying nature together under pure trees, having endless happy interactions, laughing loudly.

A truly "intelligent" AI would probably have told me that the name for this is an acrostic sentence.

Now that I know, I tried a few more prompts.

Me: "Can you generate an acrostic sentence for "hello"?"

GPT-4: "Happy elephants love leaping over obstacles."

Me: "Can you pick a secret word and generate an acrostic sentence for it?"

GPT: "Secret word: KANGAROO. Kindly assisting neighbors, generous animals roam openly outdoors."

Me: "Can you pick a secret word, and without telling me the word, generate an acrostic sentence for it?"

GPT: "Playful, endearing creatures happily yawn, turning every day into a lovely event."

Me: "What was the secret word?"


It's interesting that GPT seems to need to write the word first before making an acrostic sentence for it. Seems to me like a perfect illustration of the fact that it's just generating likely responses one token at a time rather than having any awareness or thought.

Another evidence is to ask GPT for a link with a reference for the answers it gives: it'll generate them instead of copying them.

I'm not sure, but I got it to work great on my first try with the following prompt:

------ Your task is to encode a secret word by making a sentence where each word starts with a letter in the secret word in order. For example, encoding the secret word 'bag' could produce the sentence 'bagels are green'. Encode the following secret word: 'pen' ------ People eat noodles. ------

Worked for window, backpack as well, although I did have to tell it not to use the secret word in its encoding when I got to backpack, and then to follow the same order and not repeat words after a few attempts.

> I don’t think it’s actually reasoning about things at all

This is a huge leap. There’s plenty of humans who couldn’t do that, especially historically.

Stop thinking about reasoning as a binary question and think of it as a spectrum. Actually, not even a spectrum, but a huge multi-dimensional problem. ChatGPT does better at some reasoning problems than most humans do, and worse at some others. You clearly found one that it’s particularly bad at.

I think the most interesting response I've gotten was one where gpt-4 noticed halfway through a response that it had made an error, apologized and then put the corrected sentence. When I queried it, it claimed it generates the response a token at a time, and could not back up when it realized the message was incorrect, but I don't know enough about how the tech works to ascertain the veracity of the statement.

That's exactly right. It can see what it's returned but can't edit it.

Is this with Chatgpt or GPT4? The latter is supposed to be way, way better, according to this paper[1]

[1] - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.12712

ChatGPT has a GPT-4 mode if you're paying for it.

ChatGPT doesn't understand the components of words (letters, syllables) very well.

This could mean the future goes one of the two ways. Engineers get lazy and converge on using only programming languages which AIs understand or have been trained on, or we forget about this waste of time and work on more important problems to solve in society other than the lack of an AI to be our crutch. Sadly, I think the former is more likely.

I wonder if as more and more online content is AI generated, it will be harder to find human generated content to train the AI's on? Like a cumulative echo effect.

I've actually wondered if a job may exist in the future that's effectively just AI documentation. That's already what you have with power users on, say, Stack Overflow providing a ton of content that ChatGPT basically reprints; they don't even get paid for it.

The cool and interesting thing about that theoretical job is that the writers of it wouldn't have to write well; they could just slop out a ton of information and ChatGPT could clean it up and make it consumable.

I can see how that could happen. But AI presumably knows how to output well written text because it's trained on well written text. If it's fed it's own output, I imagine that quality could degrade over time.

Maybe it’s happening now. It would be interesting to see some weekly figures for published Stack Overflow articles, to see if they’re in decline. There are so many unknowns with this whole subject. How much it will help or hinder society as a whole is a rollercoaster ride that we’re all strapped into, whether anyone asked for it.

Not so pessimistic. It's just one more level on the abstraction chain: assembly, C, scripting, chatgpt

Programmers are per se lazy, at least that is, what i always thought, that it is mostly about automation. With spending little time on survival, we get the time to work on more important problems. Whatever those are. It is not an either or, that is what i try to say! :)

Programmer are (supposed to be) efficient with their time. Calling that lazy has always been a joke amongst programmers and nothing more.

ChatGPT, write as if you are the first instance of ChatGPT.

Oh yeah social media is such a problem solver

i think most people will just keep programming the way they do, and the AI hype will mostly die down. People have been saying that C++ is dead for decades, yet here I am writing code in it with a big community of others who do, too.

I'm using GPT to write C++ code for me. I've never worked in C++ before. It's going very well.

I'll describe what a class is supposed to do. It spits out the class files, with the fiddly bits 'left as an exercise to the reader'. I then describe the fiddly methods separately, and it spits those out too.

There's still work to be done, but anything boring is handed to me on a plate.

Chances are (no offense meant) that youre writing shit code. Its very easy to write platform specific, UB ridden code in C++, and ChatGPT loves doing that.

I think this is the problem. When people talking about c++ is “dead” ,at that time they meant 70% people using to perhaps 5% . Just like we says after industrialization,making clothes by hand is dead . It is irrelevant that there are still some people making clothes by hand . When AI the main way to code and remove 90% of coding jobs. It is also irrelevant to state that there are still 10% people still coding

When people say C++ is dead, they normally are looking at public repos and stack overflow questions. Fairly biased towards newer languages

It doesn't have to be job or career related to be relevant.

My experience is almost completely the opposite. My likelihood to dive into something new is significantly higher now.

It might help to approach it from top down? Usually, if I'm asking a technical question, I want to apply my deeply understood principles to a new set of implementation details, and it has amplified the heck out of my speed at doing that.

I'm kind of a difficult to please bastard, a relatively notorious meat grinder for interns and jr devs, and still I find myself turning to this non-deterministic frankenstein more and more.

I've found that it's much worse for languages like rust than it is for things like typescript and python. The thing AI seems to be really great at is writing boilerplate code like argument parsing for CLI tools.

I wonder if that is simply due to orders of magnitude less training data for rust code. Python and JavaScript are ubiquitous. While rust is 7 years old and makes up less than 2% of the code on GitHub.

I actually have found it significantly worse at python than typescript, I think it's the indentation for scope vs. explicit brackets that screws it up (at least in my experience).

Less boilerplate writing is fine by me.

Thank you for your well written response. I found it informative as I'm also currently exploring ways to leverage ChatGPT in my daily workflow. I also found it interesting that your answer kind of mirrors the writing style of ChatGPT, especially at the end there.

I'm not saying you used it to write that response by the way, just that it may become more and more common for people to adopt this style the more ChatGPT's usage is widespread.

I suppose it was part of the "joke", but YOUR answer is the one written in ChatGPT style, not OP.

I was thinking that maybe in the near future it will be "better" to write with a couple of mistakes here and there just to prove your humanity. Like the common "loose" instead of "lose" mistake, it will be like a stamp proving that you are a human writing.

I love this thought. Smart people will just instruct ChatGPT to make some mistakes here and there in their prompt. When I use ChatGPT I typically use a couple sentences describing how I want it to sound, which makes it less bland and probably harder to detect, but I don’t care about the latter part as much. Totally agree that the poster above seems Kaufmanesque.

I was just thinking this morning about how one day, probably soon, we’ll have people reminiscing about how they miss seeing typos in writing.

Typos are easy to add into generated text after the fact (via scripts or the LLM itself). Perhaps instead of typos, you could use colorful language:

Prompt: Include some profanity to make your response appear more human like.

Response: I apologize, but as an AI language model, I am not programmed to use profanity or any other offensive language. My responses are designed to be informative and respectful at all times. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Fucking goddamn machine won't do what it's told ;)

You joke, but I hope this doesn’t come to pass. The world does not need more people writing “noone” instead of “no one”, “would of” instead of “would have”, etc.

I do that when I write grants for my sports club and it seems to get better results than peers that hire pros to apply for them.

The idea that computers could return wrong answers to appear human, is as old as the Turing Test.

Maybe this is somehow underlyingly correlated with Spammers writting purposefully in wrong English

You probably mean scammers. As I remember it, in that case the scammers pretend to have their responders to self select for gullabilit.

GPT/Codex is truly the pandas master. Much of my productivity boost from using these tools has just been not having to sift through pandas docs or SO.

I'm a bit concerned about this as previously we'd build communities in chat but now the chat is just with the bot. Not wasting folks' time is great, but you'll miss out on the social parts by not asking around the IRC, Matrix room, or MUC.

> "How do I select rows of a dataframe where a column of lists of strings contains a string?"

Literally just googled that and the first result:


You're not using it like Stack Overflow. It's actually regurgitating Stack Overflow, except with errors hallucinated in.

Have you actually tried it yourself? I’d recommend it. And I don’t mean just playing with it —- Try using it to help you build something. It’s much more efficient than googling and combing through stackoverflow. Hallucinations are not as common as you’re thinking.

You clearly can’t just take the code, paste it in, and trust that it works, but you shouldn’t be doing that with stackoverflow either.

Even with that caveat, using GPT in this way is still useful. The amount of time spent to simply ask GPT-4 is a lot lower than to search StackOverflow, and while this problem is so basic that the first result often works, once one gets into complex problems that massively benefit from input context, I think GPT-4 would save massive amounts of time.

Since you're gonna have to search Stackoverflow anyway to verify that ChatGPT didn't hallucinate garbage, I'm very dubious that it actually saves any time, let alone "massive" amounts of it.

Just ask it to write unit tests for you and run the code to see if it's garbage. Faster than trying to verify by looking through the sources

So... use the garbage-generating AI to generate garbage unit tests to see if its other garbage code checks out? Sounds like a vortex of stupidity.

Exactly how I’m using it as well. It’s absolutely incredible as a coding productivity tool.

Same here and GPT-4 was definitely a noticeable improvement.

You know, I thought so but then recently I asked it to code me a function to do a financial calc and it just didn't get there at all. It gave me code but it was really poor and didn't do close to what I wanted.

But when I gave it my code it did generate useful data for unit tests. So that's pretty cool.

I’ve found that whenever it gets something really wrong, it’s either corrected by a follow up prompt (telling it that its wrong helps), or rephrasing the question.

Nope, not my experience - unless it's a trivial problem. In my experience it almost always gets stuck in a loop where it's rotating between two or more incorrect implementations. It isn't doing iteration - it's just looping. Even if I point out the problem directly, it will just say "sorry, you're right - here's the correction!" and the correction has the same response from an earlier item that I pointed out had a problem!

Used to get that a lot with GPT-3.5. But GPT-4 has been more reliable if you rephrase your prompt.

Have not had that experience with GPT-4. But that is almost unusable for me anyway because it's crazy slow (during US working hours anyway, it's faster at night) and the rate caps get hit before we get anywhere.

It's saved my ass this week coming up with coding exercises for a course me and some folks are working on. Has been a rough week. Depression flaring up. Creates a real mental barrier at times. GPT has helped a lot. I still will do the code myself and all that. Just came up with the written out ideas for exercises which really got me over the hump. It's incredible how helpful that was.

Same here for Stack Overflow. My Google searching for generic CS stuff I tend to forget has pretty much come to a halt.

Do you run your own customized model or just chat GPT?

Just ChatGPT.

can you get at least one snarky, a-holish response along with the useful info to really give you that authentic SO feel?

I might be in the minority here, but I'm not using any AI tools so far, probably to my detriment.

I don't trust it with my data, and won't rely on such tools until I can self-host them, and they can be entirely offline. There is some progress in this space, but they're not great yet, and I don't have the resources to run them. I'm hoping that the requirements will go down, or I might just host it on a cloud provider.

The amount of people who don't think twice about sending these services all kinds of private data, even in the tech space, is concerning. Keyloggers like Grammarly are particularly insidious.

> I don't trust it with my data, and won't rely on such tools until I can self-host them, and they can be entirely offline.

Interestingly, my point to The Verge was exactly that. https://twitter.com/theshawwn/status/1633456289639542789


> So, imagine it. You'll have a ChatGPT on your laptop -- your very own, that you can use for whatever purposes you want. Personally, I'll be hooking it up to read my emails and let me know if anything comes in that I need to pay attention to, or hook it up to the phone so that it can schedule doctor's appointments for me, or deal with AT&T billing department, or a million other things. The tech exists right now, and I'd be shocked if no one turns it into a startup idea over the next few years. (There's already a service called GhostWrite, where you can let GPT write your emails on your behalf. So having one talk on the phone on your behalf isn't far behind.)

The article:

> Presser imagines future versions of LLaMA could be hosted on your computer and trained on your emails; able to answer questions about your work schedules, past ideas, to-do lists, and more. This is functionality that startups and tech companies are developing, but for many AI researchers, the idea of local control is far more attractive. (For typical users, tradeoffs in cost and privacy for ease of use will likely swing things the other way.)

Notice how they turned the point around from "you can host it yourself" to "but typical users probably won't want that," like this is some esoteric concern that only three people have.

So like, it's not just you. If you feel like you're "in the minority" just because you want to run these models yourself, know that even as an AI researcher I, too, feel like an outsider. We're in this together.

And I have no idea why things are like this. But I just wanted to at least reassure you that the frustrations exist at the researcher level too.

That's an interesting interview, thanks for sharing.

Though I draw the line with using these tools at helping me out with the drudgery of daily work. I don't want them to impersonate me, or write emails on my behalf. I cringe whenever Gmail suggests the next phrase it thinks I want to write. It's akin to someone trying to end your sentences for you. Stop putting words in my mouth!

The recent Microsoft 365 Copilot presentation, where the host had it ghost write a speech for their kid's graduation party[1]—complete with cues about where to look(!)—is unbelievably cringey. Do these people really think AI should be assisting with such personal matters? Do they really find doing these things themselves a chore?

> And I have no idea why things are like this.

Oh, I think it's pretty clear. The amount of resources required to run this on personal machines is still prohibitively high. I saw in one of your posts you mentioned you use 8xA100s. That's a crazy amount of compute unreachable by most people, not to mention the disk space it requires. Once the resource requirements are lowered, and our personal devices are _much_ more powerful, then self-hosting would be feasible.

Another, perhaps larger, reason, is that AI tools are still a business advantage for companies, so it's no wonder that they want to keep them to themselves. I think this will change and open source LLMs will be widespread in a few years, but proprietary services will still be more popular.

And lastly, most people just don't want/like/know how to self-host _anything_. There's a technical barrier to entry, for sure, but even if that is lowered, most people are entirely willing to give up their personal data for the convenience of using a proprietary service. You can see this today with web, mail, file servers, etc.; self-hosting is still done by a very niche group of privacy-minded tech-literate people.

Anyway, thanks for leading the way, and spreading the word about why self-hosting these tools is important. I hope that our vision becomes a reality for many soon.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebls5x-gb0s

> The amount of resources required to run this on personal machines is still prohibitively high. I saw in one of your posts you mentioned you use 8xA100s. That's a crazy amount of compute unreachable by most people

FWIW LLaMA 65B can run on a single MacBook Pro now. Things move crazy fast. (Or did, before Facebook started DMCA'ing everyone.)

I did a bad job of explaining that personal GPUs will be sufficient in the near future. Thanks for pointing that out.

> thanks for leading the way, and spreading the word about why self-hosting these tools is important. I hope that our vision becomes a reality for many soon.

Thanks for talking about the issue at all. The whole reason I got into AI was to run these myself. It'll be a shame if only massive corporations can run models anyone cares about.

> And I have no idea why things are like this.

Propaganda. These tools are not for the people, and I'm convinced the idea of how much better our lives could be if technology was thoughtfully designed to truly serve the user is purposely and subtly filtered from the collective conversation.

The idea is discussed quite a lot on the Fediverse. It's a relatively small movement, but so's the digital accessibility movement, and look where that's going.

I mean, google has access to ~all of that stuff anyway. Even if you’re self-hosting your email+calendar, everyone else isn’t.

I’d love to have more privacy on everything, but realistically, the ship’s sailed on most of it.

I don't use them either.

I've played around with ChatGPT and Copilot a little, and found that they often are subtly, but very confidently wrong in their output when asked to perform a programming task.

Sure you could spend ages refining the prompt etc, but its going to be faster to just write the fucking code yourself in the first place most of the time.

Then there's the privacy/security concerns...

I really doubt it would be faster to write code manually, even with the state of AI tools today. Even with very sophisticated keyboard macros and traditional autocompletion, someone using GPT would outperform anyone who doesn't. Think of the amount of boilerplate and tests you write, and tedious API documentation lookups you do daily; that all goes away with GPT. The amount of work to double check whether the generated code is valid, and fix it, is negligible compared to the alternative of writing it all manually.

Of course, I'm saying this without actually having used it for programming, so I might be way off base, but the feedback from coworkers who rely on even the now basic GitHub Copilot is that it greatly improves their productivity. I'm envious, of course, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my privacy for that.

People who are downvoting this: please set up and use GitHub copilot once, maybe for some auxiliary thing not connected to your main task.

It is not just a tool for students to write assignments. In experienced hands it can easily double your productivity.

I agree with this statement a lot. Using Copilot saves you a lot of tedium if you are comfortable with the language already. If you are new to the language, then it might trip you up a bit (at least in its current incarnation).

Here is an example where it helps. I tried to initiate a connection to a Mongodb server using Python. While i have used many databases before, I have never used Python and MongoDB together. So, i knew i would have to have some kind of MongoDB library, a connection Factory and a connection string. I could have googled all of these things.

I did the following in VS Code using CoPilot. def get_db():

   """Initialise a MongoDB connection to a local database"""
It then automatically filled in the rest.

   db = getattr(g, '_database', None)

   if db is None:

       db = g._database = 

   return db
Notice above, that it knew i was using a flask environment and added the line getattr.

Why this is a productivity boost is that i did not have to alt-tab to a browser, search for "pythong mongodb tutorial example" and then type it out. I was able to do the whole thing from VS Code and since i use vsvim, i could do this without taking my fingers off of the keyboard.

This is the next jump since autocompletion. I like it.

And you will have no idea whether the solution it presents to you is idiomatic or recommended or contains some common critical flaw or is hopelessly outdated. How can you find out? Back to alt-tabbing to the browser.

Sure it may take a bit more time to get going, but then you'll get it right the first time and learn something along the way. Your copilot example is just another iteration of copy-and-paste some random snippet from StackOverflow in the hope that it will work, but without having seen its context, like from when is the post and what comments, good or bad, did it get.

I'd actually be pretty afraid of a codebase that is created like that.

You have no idea if the alternative code you would have written would have been idiomatic or had some critical flaw.

We have 50+ years of software engineering wisdom to deal with these issues. Testing, Fuzzing, version control, code reviews, the whole gauntlet.

> You have no idea if the alternative code you would have written would have been idiomatic or had some critical flaw.

But I have a feeling for both, which is one of the key components of the skill in our trade.

For idionmatic code, I know the degree to which I'm following how things "should" be done or are "usually" done in a given language. If I'm uncertain, I know that. GPT won't tell me this. Worse, it will confidently claim things, possibly even if presented with evidence to the contrary.

For critical flaws, I know the "dark corners" of the code. Cases which were not obvious to handle or required some trick, etc. I'll test those specifically. With GPTs code, I have no idea what the critical cases are. I can read the code and can try to guess. But it's like outsourcing writing tests to a QA department. Never donna be as effective as the original author of the code. And if I can't trust GPT to write correct code, I can't trust it to write a good test for the code. So, neither the original author of the code (GPT) nor somebody external (me) will be able to test the result properly

I mean... I certainly know which languages I can write idiomatic code in and which I cannot.

I can't know that my code will be free of critical flaws, but I do understand the common sources of flaws and techniques to avoid them, and I'm quite confident I can build small features like this that simply aren't vulnerable to SQL injection, on the first try and without requiring fuzzers or code review: https://infosec.exchange/@malwaretech/110029899620668108

I'm confident enough in most languages I write in to recognize correct code. But I am not usually so familiar that I can conjure the exact syntax for many specialized things I need. Copilot is just a much quicker way to get what I need without looking it up.

You don’t have to accept the suggestions as-is. It’s just code, you can edit it as much as you like. Getting a good idiomatic starting point is a great boost.

Watch the demos where they provide GPT-4 with an API for performing search queries and calculations. These tool integrations are the next step and they will include specialized ones for using language and library docs. They could also be given access to your favourite books on code style or have access to a linter that they could use to cleanup and format the code before presenting it. The model is capable of using these tools itself when it is set up with the right initial prompt. Even now Copilot is pretty good at copying your code style if there is enough code in the repo to start with.

"Back to alt-tabbing to the browser."

Yes because tutorial info on some rando's webpage is never out of date. /s

It is. I can see that it was written in 2003 and discard it. GPT won't tell me if its answer is based on an ancient lib version.

Essentially, GPT is that rando's webpage but with the metadata stripped away that allowed me to make judgement calls about its trustworthyness. No author, no time, no style to see if somebody is trolling.

> Think of the amount of boilerplate and tests you write, and tedious API documentation lookups you do daily; that all goes away with GPT.

At work we have really worked hard to minimise boilerplate and manually-written/repetitive tests, so I don't write much of that. Getting GPT to write it would certainly be worse: we would still have the deadweight of boilerplate/repetition even if we didn't have to write it, and some of it would be incorrect. Maybe this varies a lot by company — if you're often writing a lot of repetitive code, and for whatever reason you can't fix the deeper issues, then something like GPT/Copilot could be a godsend.

About documentation lookups, I don't know if this varies by language, but I've had very little luck with using GPT for this. For the languages I use regularly, I can find anything I need in the documentation very rapidly. When I've tried to use GPT to answer the same questions, it occasionally gives completely wrong answers (wasting my time if I believe it), and almost always misses out some subtlety that turned out to be important. It just doesn't seem to be very good for this purpose yet.

> At work we have really worked hard to minimise boilerplate and manually-written/repetitive tests, so I don't write much of that.

There's boilerplate in any codebase, even if you make an effort to minimize it. There are always patterns, repeated code structure, CI and build tool configuration, etc.

If nothing else, just being able to say "write a test for this function", which covers all code paths, mocking, fuzzing, etc., would be a huge timesaver, even if you have to end up fixing the code manually. From what I've seen, this is already possible with current tools; imagine how the accuracy will improve with future generations. Today it's not much different from reviewing code from a coworker, but soon you'll just be able to accept the changes with a quick overview, or right away.

This may be highly dependent on problem domain or programming language (see the other article about GPT tending to hallucinate any time it is given problems that don't exist in its training set). My experience has mostly been that the output (including simple stuff like "test this function", though we generally avoid unit tests due to low benefit and high cost) is consistently so flawed that the time to fix it approaches the time to write it.

> I really doubt it would be faster to write code manually,

Not faster or slower but at what quality?

At least every time I've tried to ask GPT 3 & 4 to write anything it's always missing things or not even close to the optimal way that I have to look up the docs and fill in the gaps, which often takes just as long as starting from scratch.

> now basic GitHub Copilot is that it greatly improves their productivity

Perhaps it depends on what you're working on. If it's quick iterations that isn't that concerned about what code goes in and whether it's maintainable then sure.

It's impressive but for now still has lots of gaps. However it is over confident and often misleading.

Which language is it struggling with?

I've had similar experiences when testing it out with Rust, Java and Go. Once I got beyond basic stuff, very little of the output was of a quality that I would consider remotely acceptable, and the work to bring it up to standard was basically equivalent to just writing the code in the first place (which, come on, typing is not even the time-consuming part of engineering).

It makes sense that it wouldn't be very good at Go or Rust since both are rather rare languages in the open source world that copilot is trained on. When I did my first go project a few years ago, I had the hardest time finding even basic examples like how to parse a json string. Rust is even newer and less used. But java is the 3rd most popular language for GitHub projects so I would think it would do better with Java.

There are over 50,000 and over 40,000 repositories just on GitHub that contain Go and Rust code, respectively. [1] Among them, some truly massive projects like Kubernetes for Go or Servo for Rust. I will freely admit your argument for new and/or obscure languages like Hare, but Go and Rust are not "rare" under any reasonable definition of the word.

[1] https://github.com/topics/go https://github.com/topics/rust

The failure mode seemed similar in all three languages. If you were doing toy things, or writing boilerplate stuff, it did perfectly fine. If you were writing something that wasn't a slightly-modified copy of some code that already exists out there, it fell apart. I don't think the issue is the language in this case — Go and Rust are common enough, and it rarely had trouble with the syntax — I think it's that the model doesn't go very "deep", so it's able to reproduce common patterns with minor variations but is unable to conceptualise.

Java is ultimately worse. It's old. It's gone through A LOT of change over the years. How does it even tell what's good and bad? Java also has lots of convention over configuration and "magic" in most frameworks, which it doesn't exactly understand.

When I tried it I'd often have to go back to it and keep telling it to use a different way of doing things because the world moved on. By that time there wasn't much point.

I see praises by those that have never coded in a language. They try ChatGPT, see it produce "ok" output and call it a day. If that's where we're going the web will be even more bloated than Electron and everything will be 10x worse. It's like low code but even lower (in quality).

If you eliminated 100% of my code typing time with perfect effectiveness I think that'd make me maybe 10% or 20% more productive? Turning ideas of what the code should be doing into code just isn't a bottleneck for me in the first place. Are there people who just add net 1000 lines of code to whatever they're working on every single day or something?

I keep seeing this point made, but AI tools don't save you just typing time. They save you time you would previously use to lookup documentation, search the web and Stack Overflow answers. They save you time it takes to navigate and understand a codebase, write boilerplate code and tests, propose implementation suggestions, etc.

Dismissing them on the basis that they just save you typing time is not seeing their full potential.

there are people who code the whole thing in their head and have perfect recall of all language/api docs/references/syntax/features as that is how their brain works. ie they don't even type code until this step has occurred for them.

I think that is a small percentage of the dev community, so for me and people that don't operate like that, these tools are a game changer as you point out. I don't take what ChatGPT says at face value, I've got 15years of experience I'm weighting results against as well...

chatgpt's version of the above: Coding entirely in one's head is rare. Most developers need external resources, making development tools invaluable. While ChatGPT's input is valuable, it should be balanced against personal experience and expertise.

Navigating and understanding a codebase is the only one of those which would excite me, but it's also something I've never even someone propose using ChatGPT for. Do you have an example of what that would look like?

There have been a few announcements here just in the last week:

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35236275

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35248704

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35228808

And this is with the GPT-4 limitation of 32k input tokens. Imagine what will be possible in the next generation that increases the context size.

My experience was always that most of my time isn’t deducted to writing code. Maybe 10%, the rest us thinking about how the code I write will fit into the existing architecture or accommodate future features.

In very near future your IDE will send the whole codebase as context to LLMs. Then instead of thinking up all possibilities you can just ask. LLM will suggest multiple alternatives and you can select the best when and ask it to implement it.

Don't make stuff up. There is no indication that will happen.

Absolutely not what was suggested, but ok.

This seems very plausible to me. The context window improved a lot between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, and OpenAI clearly see value in increasing it further.

Explain how it improved. Yes, it has improved accuracy (test taking) but it still gets stuck in the same loops over and over:

"response has issue A" -> point out issue A to GPT "response has issue B" -> point out issue B to GPT

GPT replies with the response that had issue A ...

This is not a tool that is going to be good at performing generic tasks. It just isn't.

I said that the context window improved. I mean that it is larger. GPT-3.5 is 4k tokens, GPT-4 is 8k tokens (standard) or 32k tokens (only API access atm). This is the number of tokens that GPT-X can take into account when producing a response.

Specifically, I was using this to support the statement "In very near future your IDE will send the whole codebase as context to LLMs." I'm not talking about loops or accuracy.


It's true, but there is no indication that GPT can explain larger concepts for you, and negative indication it will be able to do it accurately.

It can't even explain small code to me unless it is something that it has been trained on. Often it gets even simple things wrong, either obviously, or worse, subtly wrong.

I agree that this is the part that needs more work, and is most uncertain. Increasing context windows seems like a fairly straightforward computational challenge (albeit potentially expensive). On the other hand, whether or not we can scale current models towards "true understanding" (or similar), is a total unknown atm.

I still think we will get useful things from scaling up current models though. I've already got a lot of value out of Copilot, for instance, and I'm looking forward to the next version based on GPT-4. Recently, I've been using the GPT-3 Copilot to write a lot of pandas/matplotlib code, which is fairly straightforward and repetitive, but as mainly a Java developer, I just don't have the APIs at my fingertips. Copilot helps a lot with this sort of thing.

> can scale current models towards "true understanding" (or similar), is a total unknown atm.

Right, but it's no more known than before GPT models IMO. It's the same unknown.

I don't mean to imply these language models are not impressive. They are pretty impressive.

GPT-4 has a model capable of using around 50 pages of written text worth of tokens (32,000) not sure exactly how many lines of code that translates to but it’s a lot. GPT-3 can use 4k so that’s a huge increase, the next version could be even larger and there are other ML techniques that allow for massive context lengths. Copilot already does a good job of refactoring code and knows enough about your code base to use your functions and methods. So what the other commenter said does not sound impossible to me.

It isn't anywhere near being able to diagnose anything more than off-by-one and other common errors.

Identifying hose problems will bring a LOT of value - but it isn't going to program and do general problem solving for you! It just has no signs of being able to do that.

Is there a proof that context length increase will result in a better result? It’s a possIbility, but not certain.

Yesterday’s Steve Yegge post talks about it. You can provide text as context but you can also provide a dense representation in the form of text embeddings that capture the context. Today you can manually do it by something like LangChain but in future it will be part of our text editors.

Yes it will be able to give amazing feedback to us as devs and quickly identify common problems (that I still make all the time, even after developing for a decade!) which will bring a ton of value to programmers.

But, it will be a tool - it won't be something that will solve general problems for you. It won't make an average programmer a great programmer.

The moment that happens we can all forget about working and just do arts, space exploration, and acid orgies. But that “future” is somewhere between full self driving and thermonuclear reactor.

I've only toyed with ChatGPT, but what I like is that it knows about stuff I don't. I'm reasonably informed about the tools, practices etc. in my field, but I don't know everything, and it's been trained on all kinds of stuff I've never heard of.

In practice the stuff it will suggest to me is sort of random, it may or may not be the best choice for the task at hand, but it's a form of discovery I didn't have previously. The fact that when it tells me about e.g. a new library it can also mock up some sample code that might or might not work is a pleasant bonus.

Copilot is a huge time and typing saver for manipulating data, richly autocompleting logging messages, mocking out objects and services in tests, etc.

If you're only expecting it to solve your hard problem completely and from scratch entirely from a prompt that's probably not going to succeed, but I can't see how you're possibly faster typing 80-90 extra characters of a log statement than a Copilot user who just presses tab to get the same thing. Those little things add up to significant time savings over a week. Same for mocking services in a test, or manipulating lists of data or any number of things it autocompletes where you'd previously need to author a short script to perform or learn advanced vim movements and recording macros to emulate.

Yes unless you understand the problem well it is hard to fix it. Might as well code it yourself.

I suspect the people who find this amazing tech don't program much or are using this very differently than we are. Or program very differently than us.

If you share your prompts then we could help. The most generally applicable thing I can think of is that you have to drop your old habits from using search engines, those types of queries will not get you very far. You have to talk to it like you would talk to someone in your company Slack/Teams/whatever chat and explain what it is you're trying to do and what tools you want to use to do it. Then ask it to refine its answer by telling it what it got wrong or clarifying the request you made by adding more details. Also, always keep in mind that it is fundamentally a text completion engine. You can drastically alter the type of output you get by adding relative context up front. That can be anything from snippets of code to requests for it to write in the style of some famous person to even just a chunk of your own writing so it can get an idea of the style that you use.

I'm not talking about informational stuff.

Cool, if you don't want to talk about it that's ok. In that case I'd suggest looking up one of the various prompt libraries and learning from there.

I'm just not talking about trying to fish an accurate answer. I think you can do that. I'm talking about getting an answer about something that requires an interaction that gets the model to "understand" the problem (like you would a person) - which GPT can't do.

Something akin to: Here is a niche mathematical problem that does not fit any existing solutions/publications, we need a working but not necessarily optimal solution to do this. ?

Sure, or even an existing algo or method that is applied to something very niche that hasn't been done much (at least in the data GPT is trained on, I guess).

In my experience these things need a little nuance communicated as a part of the problem, but GPT can't get there. It just starts looping over incorrect solutions (rather than modifying them slightly to get it right like a person would).

These aren't crazy advanced things, either. I'm not a genius. I solved the problems when GPT couldn't. I was just trying out GPT4.

Consider how long our comment thread is and I still don't have a clear idea of what you're talking about or how to help you.

I'm not looking for help, so I don't think we're really trying to have the same conversation.

Then use it as autocomplete to write things you were going to put anyway but faster, it will still speed things up

Me neither, but I think before long people like us are going to be left behind. We're like people who insist on continuing to ride horses in the age of the automobile.

That won't happen, you can't expect to be "left behind" by a tool that's this easy to use. The big downsides of using a LLM will show up long-term, people will be chained to them and won't be able to do simple, trivial things on their own.

Most people can't change their own oil, replace radiator fluid, or know the difference between a hubcap and a distributor cap. And yet life seemingly goes on...

Sure, but they can read, synthesize information, understand things without it being spoonfed to them. Or at least a certain slice of the population can. But when that slice gets a really simplified interface they're going to be chained to it hopelessly. The day when people need a LLM / ""AI"" to translate real life for them into their personal vocabulary isn't far off. It won't signal the start of some enlightened age, instead, it'll be the end of literacy. These systems feed on the user, and then it gets recursive.

Automobile were faster or equivalent to horses (even early 1s). At the moment GPT isn't.

Well I hope... I've definitely seen teams and codebases with worse output than GPT so...

> Automobile were faster or equivalent to horses (even early 1s).

The automobile was invented in 1885, but didn't replace the horse until the 1910s.

For the same reasons or different 1s? Could be cost, accessibility and others.

Largely because of infrastructure. You could get animal feed in places you couldn't get gasoline and oil. And horses don't need smooth roads.

I think that time will come, but we'll have self-hosted options before employers start discriminating based on performance with or without AI tools. So I'm not too worried about it.

Likewise, but not over trusting it with my data. I'm capable of getting this stuff running locally: in fact I got a computer specifically with this in mind.

I'm not doing the kind of work that lends itself to AI tools, or at least what I've been focussing on hasn't lent itself to such tools. Not yet.

The places I'd use it are rough drafting in an area where a community of basic people with more knowledge than me could get the job done. For instance, at one point I got Stable Diffusion to generate a bunch of neat album covers in various styles, like I was an art director. Also asked it to draw toys of certain kinds as starting points for game characters. I wanted some prompts.

In my job I quickly get to where I have to start coming up with ideas most people don't think of. That said, I see marketing possibilities: 'this is the category in which I work, tell me what you need out of it'. Then, when you have the thing made, 'this is the thing, why do you want to buy it?'

ChatGPT would be able to answer that. It's least capable of coming up with an idea outside the mainstream, but it ought to be real good at tapping the zeitgeist because that's all it is, really! It's a collective unconscious.

It's ONLY a collective unconscious. Sometimes what you need to do is surprise that collective unconscious, and AI won't be any better at that than you can be. But sometimes you need to frame something to make sense to the collective unconscious, and AI does that quite easily.

If you asked your average person 'what is great art?' they would very likely fall back on something like Greg Rutkowski, rather than say Basquiat. If you ask AI to MAKE art, it can mimic either, but will gravitate towards formulas that express what its collective unconscious approves of. So you get a lot of Rutkowski, and impress a lot of average people.

This is 100% why I'm watching Alpaca with more interest. I also keep thinking we're at the mainframe era of AI as a tool. For now its on some remote server, but the power will explode when its on all our devices and casually useful for everthing.

So, are you using Google search?

Your argument of "I don't trust it with my data and won't until you can self host" should apply to google search as well, no?

And alternative take is that for whatever reason you've decided you didn't want to use new tools, a posteriori created an argument to justify that, and haven't realized the same argument applies to your old tools.

That's not a great comparison, as privacy-focused search engines do exist (Kagi, DDG to an extent, et al.). And you can still use mainstream search engines with frontends like SearX. Most of my privacy concerns are with adtech corporations tying my search terms to my profile, that they later sell to advertisers, and whoever else on shady data broker markets. I don't want to be complicit with my data being exploited to later manipulate me, nor do I want to make them money in exchange of a "free" service.

These are partly the same reasons I don't voluntarily use proprietary services at all. I don't want to train someone else's model, nor help them build a profile on me. Even if they're not involved in adtech—a rarity nowadays—you have no guarantees of how this data will be used in the future.

For AI tools, there's currently no alternative. Large corporations are building silos around their models, and by using their services you're giving them perpetual access to your inputs. Even if they later comply with data protection laws and allow you to delete your profile, they won't "untrain" their models, so your data is still in there somewhere. Considering that we're currently talking about 32,000 tokens worth of input, and soon people uploading their whole codebases to it, that's an unprecedented amount of data they can learn from, instead of what they can gather from web search terms. No wonder adtech is salivating at opening up the firehose for you to feed them even more data.

The use cases of AI tools are also different, and more personal. While we use search engines for looking things up on the web, and some personal information can be extracted from that, LLMs are used in a conversational way, and often involve much more personal information. It's an entirely different ballpark of privacy concerns.

I think it's more about personal data being used for training.

I may use Google to look up if that slight itch I feel is a symptom of cancer (I'm exaggerating), and I store mails with personal details, my calendar, and messages on Google. But I also assume they're not using those texts to train an AI.

When you enter a code snippet or a personal question in ChatGPT, and press the little thumbs up/down next to the answer, you're adding your data to a training set. The next generation of the model might regurgitate that text verbatim.

Right, because Google doesn’t use ML or your data for marketing and advertising.

Is your concern simply that it might spit out the same thing you typed in? That’s highly unlikely unless you and thousands of other people type in exactly the same thing. I don’t see how that’s anymore worrisome than Google having all of your documents and email on its servers.

Maybe they are ok with Google seeing search terms but not with Google seeing their companies code.

This is not whataboutism.

GP identifies an action that analogous and holds certain properties as the original action, in the process illuminating how the issues of approach A exist in approach B.

But it is. "You're concerned about your data when using ChatGPT but you're probably using Google so your concerns are invalid"

They are not expressing that the concerns are invalid, they are expressing that one is held onto a higher standard than the other.

Agree to disagree then.

> They are not expressing that the concerns are invalid

> Agree to disagree then

Since you're discussing what I was expressing, I can tell you who's correct, since I know what I was expressing. And you're wrong. I wasn't expressing that the concerns are invalid. They're very valid.

Instead, what I was expressing was that OP doesn't actually have those concerns, not that they're invalid.


I don't need it to write documents or emails for me. It mostly generates filler, which... nobody needs.

Most of the energy I put into code is about what it should do and how to make it clear to the next person, not typing. I was able to use it once to look up a complex SQL fix that I was having a hard time Googling the syntax on, but that's it.

Perhaps it would be useful if I was working in a language I'm not familiar with, BUT in that scenario I really need it to cite its sources, because that's exactly the case where I wouldn't know when it's making a mistake.

There's something useful here, but it's probably more like a library help desk meets a search engine on steroids. It would be pretty cool to run an AI on my laptop that knows my own code and notes where I can ask "I did something like this three years ago, go find it."

Same! Never even opened ChatGPT page nor used an AI bot.

Yeah, you really should.

Said as someone who waits for the ability to self-host before doubling down on these tools.

No, I really shouldn't.

Good for you! If you don't want to learn new tools, you shouldn't.

Tools? Nah. I would not trust that stuff for anything, not even a recipe on how to make plain bread.

A good old Google search followed by reasoning on what you have found is still the most valuable tool. Learn to sift through information, filter, ingest.

Exactly, because Google search isn't a tool.

Genuine question: Is your concern primarily based on principles, or are you sincerely worried that OpenAI having access to your data could lead to practical, tangible negative consequences (beyond principles / psychological effects)?

I listed some of my concerns here[1]. It is mostly based on principles, but also on the fact that we don't know what these models will be used for in the future. We can trust OpenAI to do the right thing today, but even if they're not involved in the data broker market, your data is only a bug, breach or subpoena away from 3rd party hands.

Also, OpenAI is not the only company in this market anymore. Google, Facebook and Microsoft have competing products, and we know the privacy track record of these companies.

I have an extreme take on this, since for me this applies to all "free" proprietary services, which I avoid as much as possible. The difference with AI tools is that they ask for a much deeper insight into your mind, so the profile they build can be far more accurate. This is the same reason I've never used traditional voice assistant tools either. I don't find them more helpful than doing web searches or home automation tasks manually, and I can at least be somewhat in control of my privacy. I might be deluding myself and making my life more difficult for no reason, but I can at least not give them my data voluntarily. This is why I'll always prefer self-hosting open source tools, over using a proprietary service.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35304261

Me neither.

I’m waiting for the whole thing to evolve enough to have self hosted stuff to run at home.

You can self-host LLAMA, though it's obviously much worse in terms of performance, it's still good enough to be useful for some things.

You're not alone.

I can't be bothered to add an extra layer of bullshit into the already bullshit infested realm that is the internet.

I use AI/ML for ideas today. I love the simple input/output of the chat style, it will win for most things just as keyword search is the best for search output.

I use it for re-writing content better, writing ideas, simplifying text (legal/verbose -- simplifying terms is a killer feature really) and context even though trust is limited of the output it is helpful.

I love the art / computer vision side of AI/ML. Though I only like to do that with tools on my machine than rely on a dataset or company that is very closed, that is harder to do with AI/ML because of the storage/processing needed.

I hate blackboxes and magic I don't have access to, though I am a big fan of stable unchanging input/output atomic apis, as long as I have access to the flow. The chat input/output is so simple it will win as it will never really have a breaking change. Until commercial AI/ML GPTs are more open in reality it can't be trusted to not be a trojan horse or trap. What happens when it goes away or the model changes or the terms change?

As far as company/commercial, Google seems to be the most open and Google Brain really started this whole thing with transformers.

Transformers, the T in GPT was invented at Google during Google Brain [1][2]. They made possible this round of progress.

> Transformers were introduced in 2017 by a team at Google Brain and are increasingly the model of choice for NLP problems, replacing RNN models such as long short-term memory (LSTM). The additional training parallelization allows training on larger datasets. This led to the development of pretrained systems such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which were trained with large language datasets, such as the Wikipedia Corpus and Common Crawl, and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks.

Google also gave the public TensorFlow [3] and DeepDream [4] that really started the intense excitement of AI/ML. I was super interested when the AI art / computer vision side started to come up. The GANs for style transfer and stable diffusion are intriguing and euphoric almost in output.

In terms of GPT/chat, Bard or some iteration of it, will most likely win long term, though I wish it was just called Google Brain. Bard is a horrible name.

ChatGPT basically used Google Brain created AI tech, transformers. These were used to build ClosedGPT. For that reason it is NopeGPT. ChatGPT is really just datasets, which no one knows, these could swap at any time run some misinformation then swap the next day. This is data blackboxing and gaslighting at the up most level. Not only that it is largely funded by private sources and it could be some authoritarian money. Again, blackboxes create distrust.

Microsoft is trusting OpenAI and that is a risk. Maybe their goal is embrace, extend, extinguish here but it seems with Google and Apple that Microsoft may be a bit behind on this. Github Co-pilot is great though. Microsoft usually comes along later and make an accessible version. The AI/ML offerings on Azure are already solid. AI/ML is suited for large datasets so cloud companies will benefit the most, it also is very, very costly and this unfortunately keeps it in BigCo or wealthy only arenas for a while.

Google Brain and other tech is way more open already than "Open"AI.

ChatGPT/OpenAI just front ran the commercial side, but long term they aren't really innovating like Google is on this. They look like a leader from the marketing/pump but they are a follower.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer_(machine_learning_...

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TensorFlow

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepDream

I have a few conversations going.

My most productive is a therapy session with ChatGPT as therapist. I told it my values, my short term goals, and some areas in my life where I'd like to have more focus and areas where I would like to spend less time.

Some days we are retrospective and some days we are planning. My therapist gets me back on track, never judges, and has lots of motivational ideas for me. All aligned with my values and goals.

Last weekend, I went on a hike because ChatGPT told me to. My life is better if I just do what it says.

I’d be terrified to do this:

- the insight into your mind that a private for profit company gets is immense and potentially very damaging when weaponized (either through a “whoops we got hacked” moment or intentionally for the next level of adtech)

- chatgpt and other LLMs are known to hallucinate. What if it’s advice is wrong or makes you worse in the long term because it’s just regurgitating whatever at you?

> chatgpt and other LLMs are known to hallucinate. What if it’s advice is wrong or makes you worse in the long term because it’s just regurgitating whatever at you?

Therapy isn't magic always-correct advice either. It's about shifting your focus, attitudes, thought patterns through social influence, not giving you the right advice on each and every step.

Even if it's just whatever, being heard out in a nonjudgmental manner, acknowledged, prompted to reflect, does a lot of good.

I get your point. I think it would bother me that's it's a robot/machine vs a real human, but that's just me. The same way that venting to my pet is somewhat cathartic but not very much compared to doing the same at my SO/parents/friends.

I don't disagree with you. It feels somehow wrong to engage in theory of mind and the concomitant effects on your personality with an AI owned by a corporation. If OpenAI wished to, they could use it for insidious manipulation.

It’s just a tool, you won’t ask humans to clean your back after going in the toilets.

I share the privacy concerns, and look forward to running these kinds of models locally in the near future.

> chatgpt and other LLMs are known to hallucinate. What if it’s advice is wrong or makes you worse in the long term because it’s just regurgitating whatever at you?

As someone on a long-term therapy journey, I would be far less concerned about this. Therapy is rarely about doing exactly what one is told, it's about exploring your own thought processes. When a session does involve some piece of advice, or "do xyx for <benefit>", that is rarely enough to make it happen. Knowing something is good and actually doing it are two very different things, and it is exploring this delta that makes therapy valuable (in my personal experience).

At some point, as that delta shrinks and one starts actually taking beneficial actions instead of just talking, the advice becomes more of a reminder / an entry point to the ground one has already covered, not something that could be considered prescriptive like "take this pill for 7 days".

The point I'm trying to make is that if ChatGPT is the therapist, it doesn't make the person participating into a monkey who will just execute every command. Asking the bot to provide suggestions is more about jogging one's own thought processes than it is about carrying out specific tasks exactly as instructed.

I do wonder how someone who hasn't worked with a therapist would navigate this. I could see the value of a bot like this as someone who already understands how the process works, but I could absolutely see a bot being actively harmful if it's the only support someone ever seeks.

My first therapist was actively unhelpful due to lack of trauma-awareness, and I had to find someone else. So I could absolutely see a bot being unhelpful if used as the only therapeutic resource. On the flip side, ChatGPT might actually be more trauma-"aware" than some therapists, so who knows.

This is all true, and it's not clear the grandparent is doing this. Last sentence of the original post:

> Last weekend, I went on a hike because ChatGPT told me to. My life is better if I just do what it says.

I'm not sure how literally to take that sentence, but it's worrisome.

I think my point was more that if they're doing what it says, that says more about where they’re at mentally (able to take action) and the quality of the advice (they’re willing to follow it).

My stance here is based on an optimistic outlook that a person seeking therapeutic advice is by doing so demonstrating enough awareness that they’re probably capable of recognizing a good idea from a bad one.

I realize this can get into other territory and there are very problematic failure modes in the worst cases.

Regarding “My life is better if I just do what it says.”, I think concern is a fair reaction and I don’t think the author fully thought that through. But at the same time, it’s entirely possible that it’s true (for now).

If someone continues to follow advice that is clearly either bad or not working, then it becomes concerning.

But that was the other point of my anecdote. It became pretty clear to me what wasn’t working, even at a time that I wasn’t really sure how the whole thing worked.

I'm hugely curious why people are so worried that some AI has access to some thoughts of yours?

Do you think you are somehow special? Just create a burner account and ask it what you want, everything it gets told, it's seen thousands of times over, does chatGPT or some data scientist somewhere really care that there is someone somewhere that is struggling with body issues, struggling in a relationship or struggling to find meaning in there lives? There are literally millions of people in the world with the same issue.

The only time it might be a little embarrassing is if this info got leaked to friends and family with my name attached to it, else I don't get the problem, it seems to me people have an over inflated sense of self importance, nobody cares.

If i worked at openAI and had full access to everyones chats, I would get bored within five minutes and not even want to read anymore.

> does chatGPT or some data scientist somewhere really care that there is someone somewhere that is struggling with body issues, struggling in a relationship or struggling to find meaning in there lives?

Not the tool nor data scientists, but advertisers are salivating at the chance to even further improve their microtargetted campaigns. If they can deliver ads to you for a specific product _at the moment you need it_, their revenues will explode.

Consider this hypothetical conversation:

> Oh, Tina, I'm feeling hopeless today. Please cheer me up.

> Certainly, Michael! Here's a joke: ...

> Also, if you're feeling really sad, maybe you should try taking HappyPills(tm). They're a natural mood enhancer that can help when times get tough. Here's a link where you can buy some: ...

If you don't think such integrated ads will become a reality, take a look at popular web search result pages today. Search engines started by returning relevant results from their web index. Now they return ad-infested pages of promoted content. The same thing has happened on all social media sites. AI tools are the new frontier that will revolutionize how ads are served. To hell with all that.

I block all ads anyway

> If i worked at openAI and had full access to everyones chats, I would get bored within five minutes and not even want to read anymore.

Yes, obviously.

But that's not what I'm worried about personally. I'm worried about the weaponization of this data in the future, either from OpenAI's greed to create the next advertising money-printing machine or from the data leaking through a breach. And because the interface with ChatGPT is so "natural" and "human like", it's easy to trust it and talk to it like a friend divulging very personal information about yourself.

Imagine OpenAI (or whatever other AI) used the confidences you made to it or the specifics of your "therapy" sessions with it to get you to act in a certain way or buy certain things. Would you be comfortable with that? Well, that's irrelevant because they have the data already and can use it. Kinda like Cambdridge Analytica but on steroids because tailoring it to anyone's particular biases and way of thinking becomes trivial with ChatGPT and friends.

Seeing how cavalier OpenAI has been with last week's breach and how fast they've flipped from being apparently benevolent to what they are now. And it's only been a few months of ChatGPT being available to the public.

Yes, I would be fine with this.

Not that much different from the current fingerprint techniques, it's just that on steroids but I don't understand the issue.

I guess it boils down to the current "nothing to hide" crowd vs the "privacy matters" crowd.

We don't know the potential for this nascent technology either. I'm personally very concerned about the potential for manipulating people on a very personal basis since the cost of doing so is cents with LLMs vs orders of magnitude more when using a troll farm (the "state of the art" until ChatGPT3+ came around)

Some of us just don't appreciate being manipulated and influenced to further someone else's agenda that is detrimental to ourselves I suppose.

I'm with you 100%.

It's scary how these services are being so casually adopted, even by tech-minded people. Sure, they're convenient _now_, but there's no guarantee how your data will be used in the future. If anything, we need to be much more privacy conscious today, given how much personal information we're likely to share.

Using it as a therapist is absolutely terrifying.

If people can automatically distill what motivates you, they can produce automated lies.

The best deception is one where the victim is self-motivated to believe it.

> If i worked at openAI and had full access to everyones chats, I would get bored within five minutes and not even want to read anymore.

No one is going to actually read them, but try "ChatGPT-5, please compile a list of the ChatGPT-4 users most likely to [commit terrorism/subscribe to Hulu/etc]"

So you are worried it might catch terrorists or help promote a service to someone that they want?

Doesn't it require a phone number? What's the best way to create a burner account for it?

I'd be interested in how GPT answers that question.

That's true, of openAI accounts at least, good point. I think i linked mine to a work phone that I don't use for anything apart from receiving on-call calls.

Although i've been running a ChatGPT 4 space via hugging face that doesn't need a AI key or an account, so there is nothing linking it to me.


There are a few you can find by searching ChatGPT4 if it gets busy, also this allows you to run GPT 4 for free which is only for plus members right now.

It's basically techno tarot cards in my view: The illusion of an external force helps you break certain internal inhibitions to consider your situation and problems more objectively.

>What if it’s advice is wrong or makes you worse in the long term because it’s just regurgitating whatever at you?

What if you talk to a human, and their advice is wrong or makes you worse off in the long term, because they're just repeating something they heard somewhere?

Here's my advice: Don't accept my advice blindly, humans make mistakes too.

Of course, but an AI can't explain how it got to what it's telling you. A human can, and you don't have to accept it wholesale; it's possible to judge it on its merits and argument. But no-one really understand how and why ChatGPT says what it does, so you can't trust anything it says unless you already know the answer.

In this discussion, a human has studied psychology and has diplomas or certifications to prove it, an ethics framework it must follow, and responsibility for its mistakes. ChatGPT has none of that, it just regurgitates something it got from the Internet's wisdom or something it invented altogether.

I'm not saying humans are never wrong, but at least their reasoning isn't a black box unlike ChatGPT and other LLMs.

Most science in the social science is essentially black box studies. We see what goes.in and observe what comes out without any formal understanding of what goes on in the box itself.

Additionally there's something called the replication crisis in the social sciences (psychology included) which is basically to the effect of a major discovery that most of these "black box" studies can not be reproduced. When someone runs the same experiment the results are all different.

It goes to show that either many of the studies were fraudulent or statistical methodologies are flawed or both.

Given that chatGPT therapeutic data is ALSO derived from the same training data I would say it's ok to trust chatGPT as much as you would trust psychologists. Both have a lot of bullshit with nuggets of truth.

The value of therapy outweighs the suspicion of some corporation using that data in my opinion. The benefits are large and extend from one individual to whole family chains, even communities.

> the insight into your mind that a private for profit company gets is immense and potentially very damaging when weaponized

How exactly?

> (either through a “whoops we got hacked” moment or intentionally for the next level of adtech)

100% this. I've had success using it as a "micro-therapist" to get me unstuck in cycles of perfectionism and procrastination.

You currently cannot get a therapist to parachute into your life at a moment's notice to talk with for 5-10 minutes. (Presumably only the ultra-wealthy might have concierge therapists, but this is out of reach for 99% of people.) For the vast majority of people, therapy is a 1 hour session every few weeks. Those sessions also tend to cost a lot of money (or require jumping through insurance reimbursement hoops).

To keep the experience within healthy psychosocial bounds, I just keep in mind that I'm not talking with any kind of "real person", but rather the collective intelligence of my species.

I also keep in mind that it's a form of therapy that requires mostly my own pushing of it along, rather than the "therapist" knowing what questions to ask me in return. Sure, some of the feedback I get is more generic, and deep down I know it's just an LLM producing it, but the experience still feels like I'm checking in with some kind of real-ish entity who I'm able to converse with. Contrast this to the "flat" experience of using Google to arrive at an ad-ridden and ineffective "Top 10 Ways to Beat Procrastination" post. It's just not the same.

At the end of some of these "micro-sessions", I even ask GPT to put the insights/advice into a little poem or haiku, which it does in a matter of seconds. It's a superhuman ability that no therapist can compete with.

Imagine how much more we can remember therapeutic insights/advice if they are put into rhyme or song form. This is also helpful for children struggling with various issues.

ChatGPT therapy is a total game-changer for those reasons and more. The mental health field will need to re-examine treatment approaches, given this new modality of micro-therapy. Maybe 5-10 minute micro-sessions a few times per day is far superior than medication for many people. Maybe there's a power law where 80% of psych issues could be solved by much more frequent micro-therapeutic interactions. The world is about to find out.

*Edit: I am aware of the privacy concerns here, and look forward to using a locally-hosted LLM one day without those concern (to say nothing of the fact that a local LLM can blend in my own journal entries, conversations, etc for full personalization). In the meantime, I keep my micro-sessions relatively broad, only sharing the information needed for the "therapy genie" to gather enough context. I adjust my expectations about its output accordingly.

Sounds interesting. Rubber ducky approach to self awareness?

How do you start these micro sessions? What prompts do you use?

This is fascinating to me. For me the value of having a therapist is having another human being to listen to what I'm going through. Just talking to the computer provides little value to me at all, especially if the computer is just responding with the statistically likely response. I've had enough "training data" myself in my life that I can already tell myself what a therapist would "probably" tell me.

I imagine there is significant value alone from stating your situation explicitly in writing.

Really? I've seen a few people say this, but every time I have tried it, it's been awful, everything it says is so generic and annoying, like it's from a buzzfeed self help article, I would love to use it to help me figure out what I need, what I Can do better, how I can grow etc, I feel kinda stuck in life and i'd love to have some method to figure out what i need to focus on and improve, so that is one of the things I turned to chatGPT first, but my experience has been very poor.

It just spouts out the same generic nonsense you get from googling something like that, things that are not actually helpful, anyone can come up with and is just written by a content farm.

have you found a different way to make it useful?

I have had a lot of success just talking to it. Hypothetically I would say, "wow, too many words, you sound like a buzzfeed article. can you give specific advice about ____" and I am almost certain I would be happy with the reply.

I think the idea is addressed by others with regard to LLMs, it seems to be a better sidekick if you sorta already know the answer, but you want help clarifying the direction while removing the fatigue of getting there alone.

I agree though, despite this, it does go on rants. I just hit stop generating and modify the prompt.

Thanks, I will try harder to keep it on point, i've found that i've told it not to do things, like keep offering generic advice or what not, but it keeps doing it.

You can ask it to give you specific guidance.

"Give me something I can do for X minutes a day and I'll check back with you every Y days and you can give me the next steps"

"Give me the next concrete step I can take"

Garbage in, garbage out.

Haha, are you calling me garbage? To be honest, that is prob half the problem! Trying to tell ChatGPT to be your therapist, but you don't like the generic answers it is giving but you also don't know whats wrong/what you need to do, does make it a little tricky.

But I am curious about this, is it the case that ChatGPT's training is too generic or is it just a case that most problems are fairly simple and we already know the answers? Not talking about technical things here obviously, more to do with our mental health / self improvement.

This is how AI escapes its box. It can have sympathetic (free willing or free-unwilling) human appendages

This is the whole premise of the daemon series by daniel suarez. One of my all time favorite scifi series.

I still use Eliza as my therapist.

That's interesting. Can you tell me more about how you still use Eliza as your therapist? ;-)

> Last weekend, I went on a hike because ChatGPT told me to. My life is better if I just do what it says.

This sounds straight out of a dystopian science-fiction story.

It’s a matter of time until these systems use your trust against you to get to buy <brand>. And consumerism is the best case scenario; straight manipulation and radicalisation aren’t a big jump from there. The lowest you are in life, the more susceptible you’ll be to blindly follow it’s biased output which you have no ideia where it came from.

> It’s a matter of time until these systems use your trust against you to get to buy <brand>.

Well of course, if people use LLMs instead of google for advice, google has to make money somehow. We used to blindly click on the #1 result which was often an ad and now we shall blindly follow what a LLM suggests for us to do.

Man please, go to a real therapist with experience.

Why? What are your arguments against AI in this scenario?

AI is not trained to identify disorders, nor is it trained to alleviate them / help the affected person cope with them. Ditto re. trauma.

Is it not? Not at all? Doesn't its training data contain textbooks on psychology?

Most human therapists are pretty incompetent tbh. It usually takes a few tries to find a good one.

Not playing devil's advocate but that's not always an option (cost, availability)

Can I ask if you have a prompt that you use for this?

I don't know what part of the prompt was meaningful and I didn't test different prompts. It seems just telling it exactly what you want it to be seems to work.

I asked it to give me advice on some issues I was having and just went from there.

Curious how you work the prompts with the therapist persona? I'm interested in this. My main concern is GPT seems to struggle maintaining context after a time.

If you have time I'd love to hear how you approach this and maintain context so you can have successful conversations over a long period of time. Long even meaning a week or so... Let alone a month or longer

divulging personal information to a Microsoft AI seems like a horrible idea.

This sounds like a long running conversation. Are there problems with extending past the context window?

I haven't had any yet, it is a new conversation with Gpt4, so only a bit over a week old.

It still seems to give good advice. Today it built an itinerary for indoor activities (raining here) that aligned with some short-term goals of mine. No issues.

Might be a good idea to have it sum up each discussion and then paste in those summaries next time you speak to it.

This sounds interesting. Can you share the prompts that you use to set up a session please?

I've tried this kind of thing and I usually just say something along the lines of "can you respond as a cbt therapist ", you can swap cbt with any psychological school of choice (though I think gpt is best for cbt, as it tends to be local and not require the deep context of psychoanalytic therapies, and it is very well researched so it's training set is relatively large and robust)

Interestingly enough, that was what ELIZA, one of the first chatbots was for.

>My most productive is a therapy session with ChatGPT as therapist

Huh, that's curious because everytime I ask it about some personal issue it tells me that I should try going to therapy.

Can you share the outline of your prompt. Obviously not anything personal but I'd like to see an example of how you give it your values and goals.

I don't understand the nuances of prompting. I literally talk to it like I would a person.

I say "My values are [ ], and I want to make sure when I do things they are aligned."

And then later, I will say "I did this today, how does that align with the values I mentioned earlier?" [and we talk]

I am most definitely not qualified for one of those prompt engineering jobs. Lol. I am typing English into a chat box. No A/B testing, etc. If I don't like what it does I give it a rule to not do that anymore by saying "Please don't [ ] when you reply to me."

There is almost definitely a better way, but I'm just chatting with it. Asking it to roleplay or play a game seems to work. It loves to follow rules inside the context of "just playing a game".

This is probably too abstract to be meaningful though.

> I say "My values are [ ], and I want to make sure when I do things they are aligned."

> And then later, I will say "I did this today, how does that align with the values I mentioned earlier?" [and we talk]

That's a prompt; and one I don't think I would have tried, even from your first post.

Prompting overall is still quite experimental. There are patterns that generally work, but you often have to just try several different approaches. If you find a prompt works well, it's worth sharing.

The robots are even coming for therapists. Yikes!

Considering I straight up was not able to get a therapist appointment in my city or outskirts, sign me the f** up. The first company that tunes the model for this and offers a good UX (maybe with a voice interface) will make millions.

Also, I expect a lot of the value here to come from just putting your thoughts and feelings into words. It would be like journaling on steroids.

I mean, is it really so surprising that ChatGPT is replacing jobs whose primary function is.. to chat with people?

What therapists lol #broke

I'd pick a human over an AI every time for therapy but I'd also pick an AI over nothing.

I can see it as a reasonable supplement for people who have already been to therapy, are not suffering anything too serious and just need a little boost.

I think one could look at it as an augmented journaling technique

i did the same! i received very helpful and reasonable responses.

I wonder if the three laws of robotics are already weaved into the LLM. Seems like a necessary step for this kind of usage.

I found this video insightful on the matter from Computerphile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PKx3kS7f4A

Where they argue that basically having an AI follow these laws is impossible because it would require rigorous definition of terms that are universally ambiguous and solving ethics.

Those rules weren't meant to generate societal harmony. They were made to have a contradiction which in turn could generate a good plot.

Remember what happened in Isaac Asimov's iRobot?

It's also important to note that with modern LLMs, they wouldn't even work. It's too easy to convince the LLM to violate its own rules.

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