3D-Printed Electric Motorcycle Looks Straight Out of Blade Runner

The fully 3D printed Nera E-Bike looks like something from 2030, complete with a sleek design, airless tires and embedded electronics.

3D-Printed Electric Motorcycle Looks Straight Out of Blade Runner


Calling all Cyberpunk 2077 fans, Blade Runner stans, and tech futurists, your moment is almost here. The natural progression in design, paired with the rapid changes in technology, has created the perfect breeding ground for innovation.

Not to mention, some of the latest technology on display around the world looks pretty awesome. Looking like something out of Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049, BigRep’s 3D printed motorcycle is a stunning and impressive display of how far the fairly new process of large-scale 3D printing can go in vehicle manufacturing.

The Electric Nera Motorcycle

Source: NOWlab

Named the Nera E-Bike, this motorcycle is fully electric, perfect for building a sustainable future. BigRep is a leader in the manufacture of large-format industrial 3D printers, and the company develops printers aimed at bringing into fruition large-scale and fully functioning prototypes.

Source: NOWlab

The Nera E-Bike concept vehicle is a demonstration of where large-format 3D technology is right now, and where BigRep hopes to take it in the future. The Nera project itself was completed in collaboration with BigRep’s in-house innovation division, led by Marco Mattia Cristofori and Maximilian Sedlak.

3D-Printed Power

The Nera E-Bike is a concept vehicle, and not intended for production, but it still has a host of features that go beyond just its stylishly printed frame. The futuristic bike has a host of groundbreaking additions like printed, airless tires, embedded electronics, and forkless steering.

Source: NOWlab

Nera also includes a lightweight rhomboid wheel rim and flexible bumpers instead of a separate suspension. Even more impressive is that the only thing, not 3D printed on the bike are the electric components, which fit snugly in the Nera’s printed customizable frame.


Daniel Büning, Co-founder and Managing Director of the lab describes the vision for Nera as combining, “several innovations developed by NOWlab, such as the airless tire, functional integration, and embedded sensor technology.”

This bike and our other prototypes push the limits of engineering creativity and will reshape am technology as we know it.”

Source: NOWlab

We should also mention that there are many vehicle companies across the globe looking into large-scale 3D printing not just for prototyping, but as a possible manufacturing option. The medium-term future of the automobile industry could be paved with fully 3D printed cars and even motorcycles that can be created in the convenience of your home.


Source: NOWlab

Yet, hopefully, there won’t be any replicants for a while. What do you think of the Nera E-Bike?

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Donovan Alexander <p><span>After 5 years in the start-up world collaborating with companies like Google and &Scaron;koda Auto, the award-winning marketer Donovan Alexander restarted his career. He has combined his passion for artificial intelligence, fashion, design, and technology to begin a new journey as an aspiring multidisciplinary designer and technology writer. Throughout his career, he has authored over 300 articles, worked on 34 advertising campaigns for international brands, and curated 4 major art projects. Donovan is fascinated with how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and 3D printing are changing the way we design and engineer our everyday products. With a creative studio based in the heart of Europe, Donovan loves sharing the stories of the people and organizations engineering change around the world.</span></p>