Mark Zuckerberg posted a teaser for Meta's Quest 3 headset on Instagram on Thursday.Ā 


Together With TLDR

TLDR 2023-06-02

TLDRĀ is hiring aĀ curatorĀ forĀ TLDRĀ Founders

TLDRĀ is hiring a part-timeĀ curatorĀ to join ourĀ TLDR FoundersĀ newsletter curation team.

The ideal candidate would be a current or former startupĀ founder, preferably someone who has raised venture capital, enjoys keeping up with the latest trends in the startup ecosystem, and generally spends a lot of time hanging out with otherĀ founders.Ā 

Time commitment is roughly 6 hours/week (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday), to apply please send your LinkedIn or resume toĀ [email protected]Ā along with a couple sentences on why you'd be a good fit!


Big Tech & Startups

Zuckerberg unveils Meta's newest VR headset days before Apple reveals its own (2 minute read)

Mark Zuckerberg posted a teaser for Meta's Quest 3 headset on Instagram on Thursday. The Quest 3 will launch in the fall for $499. Meta appears to still be spending heavily on the metaverse. Its Reality Labs unit reported an operating loss of $3.99 billion in the company's first quarter while generating $399 million in revenue. The price for the Quest Pro headset that launched last October has been dropped from $1,499.99 to $999.99. A link to the teaser video is available in the article.
Lisa Su Saved AMD. Now She Wants Nvidia's AI Crown (13 minute read)

AMD was floundering when Lisa Su took over as CEO in 2014. Su was able to take advantage of missteps by Intel and signed deals with many large customers, bringing the company out of trouble and even overtaking rival Intel in market capitalization. AMD now plans to produce chips to break Nvidia's near-monopoly on the processors that power generative AI technologies. The company plans to have AI in every one of its products in five years. This article talks about Su's time at AMD and her plans for the company for the next few years.

Science & Futuristic Technology

Hubble Network wants to connect a billion devices with space-based Bluetooth network (3 minute read)

Seattle-based startup Hubble Network wants to launch a satellite network that any Bluetooth-enabled device from anywhere in the world can connect to. It aims to build out a constellation of 300 satellites to provide real-time updates for any sensor or device with a Bluetooth low-energy chip. Hubble's technology allows radio signals to be detected around 1,000 kilometers away. The company plans to launch an initial batch of four satellites in January 2024.
Zapping the brain during sleep helps memories form (3 minute read)

Researchers at UCLA and Tel Aviv University have found a way to improve people's memories by stimulating the brain with gentle electric pulses during sleep. The researchers suspected that the part of the brain where memories are initially stored communicates with another part of the brain during sleep as part of the process of memory consolidation. The study confirmed the communication between the two parts of the brain and demonstrated a way to strengthen the connection. The team is now exploring whether AI can help identify brain activity linked to specific memories.

Programming, Design & Data Science

Lance (GitHub Repo)

Lance is a modern data format for machine learning. It provides faster random access, a vector index, data versioning, and more. Lance is compatible with pandas, duckdb, polars, and pyarrow. It can be used for building search engines and feature stores, large-scale ML training, and storing, querying, and inspecting deeply nested data.
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chromes DevTools (2 minute read)

Chrome's devtools allow developers to watch animations play out in slow motion. This enables easier debugging. Some issues happen too fast and can't be detected without slow motion. To watch animations in slow motion, developers just need to access the console drawer in Chrome devtools and then choose the 'Animations' panel from the 'More' menu. A menu will appear that allows users to set animation speed.
Propify: The Unified API for Property Management Systems (Sponsor)

Propify is a single unified API that allows you to quickly & easily integrate with all of the leading property management systems like Buildium, RentManager, Entrata, and more.

Save developer time and ship faster so you can build your proptech company without having to maintain messy integrations! Learn more.



The death of self-driving cars has been greatly exaggerated (17 minute read)

Seven years ago, hype about self-driving cars was off the charts. Several self-driving projects have shut down their efforts since. Many people now view self-driving technology as an expensive failure. However, a handful of well-funded projects have continued to work on the technology. This article looks at the current leaders in the self-driving industry, Waymo and Cruise, the state of the industry, the challenges the industry faces, and the future of the industry. It also covers Tesla's Full Self Driving technology.
Open Source AI Has a New Champion (3 minute read)

Falcon is a large language model developed by the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It offers better performance than LLaMA, a GPT-level large language model developed by Meta. Falcon is the most powerful open-source language model to date. It uses a modified Apache license, which means that it can be fine-tuned and used for commercial purposes. Falcon is the first open-source large language model that extends beyond research limitations.

Quick Links

Want a free Typescript client for your API? (Sponsor)

Fern is an open source CLI that generates production-ready SDKs for REST APIs.Ā Send us your OpenAPI spec to get started. Learn more.
Meta will require employees to return to the office three days a week, starting in September (2 minute read)

The new policy will not impact existing workers who primarily work remotely.
ko (Website)

ko makes building Go container images easy, fast, and secure.
Clickless iOS exploits infect Kaspersky iPhones with never-before-seen malware (3 minute read)

Several dozen employees from security firm Kaspersky were hit with an advanced cyberattack that used clickless exploits to infect their iPhones to collect microphone recordings, photos, geolocation, and other data.
Advancing fusion energy: Researchers achieve record-breaking temperatures in a tokamak (4 minute read)

Researchers from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and Tokamak Energy Ltd recently achieved temperatures of nearly 100 million degrees Celsius in a compact tokamak.
The big question of how small chips can get (14 minute read)

Moore's Law will likely end soon, but humans will likely find ways around bottlenecks and continue innovation.
Peak credentialism (3 minute read)

There is evidence that the tech industry is moving away from credentials, which means that people can worry less about which college they attend or even whether they should attend college.

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Thanks for reading,
Dan Ni and Stephen Flanders

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